Rosalind Nickerson

In What Clients Have to Say by Debra Gloria1 Comment

I was hesitant to make my first consultation appointment with Debra. Not because I questioned her skillset, because I was already familiar with her talents. My hesitancy was merely because I was uncomfortable with my weight. We have all heard the cliche saying, “the camera adds twenty pounds.” Although I appreciated the beautiful work she had done on other fuller figured ladies, I had my own insecurities. After arriving for my consultation appointment, I was so relieved to notice how well Debra listened and actually took the time to know about me. Not only was she encouraging, but she was also very confident. She did not seem surprised or concerned by any thing I said. Fast forward about two weeks, two days before my scheduled appointment I received some devastating news. I immediately called Debra to cancel my appointment. In my opinion, I just knew after feeling so terrible there was no way I would be able to take a beautiful photo. Debra encouraged me to still come. The experience was amazing! Not only was Debra very warm and welcoming, she was truly a genius at her craft. There are not many words to describe the feeling I felt after viewing my pictures. When she showed me some of my pictures, I remember thinking, “I can not believe this is me.” I walked away in awe. When I got in my car, I thanked God for allowing me a chance to feel beautiful. I also thanked God for Debra and I asked Him to bless her. I was so moved by not only her energy, but also the gift God had given her. Ironically, my photos became a testimony to others that I knew. I remember my cousin calling me to inquire about when I took those pictures because she knew there was no way I could have taken them during such a time of turmoil. My other cousin made one of the photos his screen saver because it reminded him of a classic jazz album cover. In summary, my session with Debra became a turning point for me to look forward to a different path for my future. I had a new positive outlook and I walked away from the past negative experiences with new optimism. For this, I am thankful.


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